boat underwater clean,hull maintenance,robotic underwater cleaning

Neptune Coating Care

Neptune Robotics' cutting-edge robotic technology delivers maximum protection to AF coatings, effective ROV hull cleaning at berths and anchorages, countering strong current and murky waters, above and underwater.

Neptune Coating Care | Boat Robotic Underwater Inspection Cleaning and Hull Maintenance

Discover Neptune Coating Care for your Antifouling Paint. We offer boat underwater inspection and robotic underwater cleaning for regular hull maintenance.

Revolutionizing Maritime Care: Neptune’s Underwater Robotic Cleaning and Hull Maintenance Services

In the vast realm of maritime operations, the need for pristine vessels is not merely a matter of aesthetics but a stringent requirement for optimal functionality and longevity. At Neptune, we encapsulate the essence of cutting-edge maritime care through our distinguished services, Neptune Coating Care and robotic underwater cleaning, ensuring your vessel not only sails smoothly but stands the test of time.

1.Neptune Coating Care: Embarking on a Voyage of Superior Maintenance

Our innovative Neptune Coating Care (NCC) service is a beacon of exceptional hull maintenance. NCC offers a seamless solution for coating application and Anti-Fouling (AF) system monitoring for new builds and vessels post dry dock. Your journey with Neptune Coating Care heralds a year of superior new coating, AF system monitoring, and meticulous hull maintenance, post shipyard. Through our avant-garde robotic underwater cleaning technology, we deliver unparalleled boat underwater clean services, promising enduring vessel performance and longevity.

2.Experience The Neptune Difference: A Confluence of Technology and Excellence

Our service excellence is anchored on four stellar features that position us in the elite 1% in the industry:

  • Robotic Underwater Cleaning:With state-of-the-art robotic technology, we proficiently clean the bottom and sides of vessels swiftly and effectively.
  • Muddy Waters, Crystal-Clear Results:Our patent-protected camera system captures 4K resolutions even in murky waters, unveiling crystal-clear insights into your hull's condition.
  • Extreme Weather, Delivering Excellence:Our adaptable robots exhibit unmatched resilience, thriving in currents of up to 4.0 knots, and conquering environmental challenges with grace.
  • Preserve AF Coating, Power Performance, Hull Maintenance:Our advanced robots epitomize a winning blend of immaculate cleanliness, AF coating preservation, and proactive hull maintenance. The effective hull clean service, even 20M above water or 30M underwater, is a testament to our robust hull adhesion technology, ensuring thorough cleaning whether the vessel is fully discharged or loaded.

This amalgam of features transcends the traditional paradigms of vessel cleaning and maintenance, offering a contemporary, efficient, and reliable solution.

3.Customized Coating Solutions:

Tailoring solutions to your unique needs, we offer bespoke coating solutions, providing additional protection and extending the vessel's lifespan. This service is a testimony to our commitment to meeting diverse client needs with precision and excellence.

4.Showcasing Client Successes: A Testament to Unmatched Service Quality

Our client case studies are a mirror to the tangible benefits our services bestow. Through our robotic underwater cleaning technology, we've drastically reduced cleaning time while ensuring zero damage to the vessel surfaces. Our hull maintenance service is a guarantor of optimum vessel condition, be it at port or sailing the high seas. The keyword boat underwater clean resonates through each success story, underlining our proficiency in maintaining vessels in prime condition.

With Neptune, you are not just getting a service; you are investing in a promise of superior maritime care, operational efficiency, and extended vessel longevity. Unveil a new horizon of maritime maintenance with our robotic underwater cleaning and hull maintenance services. Your vessel's pristine condition is not just our business; it's our commitment. Explore our service page and set sail towards a future of unbridled maritime excellence.

Coating Care

Neptune Coating Care (NCC) offers a seamless solution for coating application and AF system monitoring for New Builds and vessels after Dry Dock.

With Neptune Coating Care, you embark on a journey of superior new coating and AF system monitoring and hull maintenance in vessel’s first year after shipyard.

Experience the Neptune Difference

We have six killer features that put us in the top 1% in the industry.

ROV Hull Underwater Clean | ROV Vessel Hull Clean

Above Water Cleaning

Hull Clean services | Flat Bottom Cleaning Services

See Perfectly in Muddy Waters

Robotic Underwater Inspection | Boat In-Water Survey

Counter Extra Strong Current

ROV Vessel Cleaning | Robotic In-Water Vessel Cleaning

Zero Damage to Coating

Boat Robotic Underwater Cleaning and Hull Maintenance

Berths & Anchorages

Robotic Underwater Inspection | Boat In-Water Survey

Australia & NZ 100% Success Entry

The Neptune Proven Process

We take pride in offering best-in-class services that streamline the operations for your fleet.

Proactive Tracking
Order Confirmation

Upon order confirmation, we closely track ETA and liaise with all parties.

Preview Report In 4 Hrs
Hassle-Free Arrangement

To save your management time, we communicate with the Master and local agents to get all preparations ready.

Hassle-free Arrangement
Approved by Authorities

Neptune strictly adheres to all necessary approvals and compliance regulations.

Approved by Authorities
Preview Report In 4 Hrs

Neptune assists you in pinpointing the precise areas requiring cleaning via our Inspection Preview Report.

Intelligent Analysis
Comprehensive Reports Online

Neptune delivers full reports, fouling, coating analysis, fuel, carbon savings traceability.

Continuous Improvement
Fleet-Wide Dashboard

Empowering you to effortlessly manage and optimize your maintenance strategy by fleet management records and plans.

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Click the cards to discover more about the range of biofouling management solutions.

robotic hull Inspection

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Annual care (NAC)

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Contact Us

We look forward to decarbonising your fleet at 60 ports!
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