
Maritime Regulatiaons

Related services

Neptune Makes It Easy to Reduce Your Vessel’s CO2 Emissions.

Click the cards to discover more about the range of biofouling management solutions.

Australia & New Zealand

Compliant with AMSA and MPI. Efficient, eco-friendly solutions for your vessel’s needs.

Annual care (NAC)

Our proactive take of your annual hull maintenance, maximising fuel and carbon savings.


We will assist you 24/7

Save Your Fleet 9-18% Of Fuel Annually

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Navigating Global Regulations

Stay informed about worldwide regulations impacting the maritime industry. Neptune Robotics provides comprehensive updates on international policies, compliance standards, and environmental initiatives. Stay ahead of the curve and ensure smooth operations with Neptune Robotics’ expert insights and analysis.

Contact Us

We look forward to decarbonising your fleet at 60 ports!
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In terms of vessel types, what is the primary focus area for your company?
Which of the following best describes your connection to the vessel?
How many vessels are presently under your company's ownership, charter, or management?